This is the share for the Windows API Type Library. Two versions are available: win.tlb VB5 ANSI version winu.tlb VB5 Unicode version The source builds either or both using the MKWIN batch file. It is possible to set up the project so that you can build under the Microsoft C++ environment. I had this working under Microsoft Visual C++, version 4.2, but did not get around to converting it to the current version 5.0. Microsoft Developer's Studio. The source files must be built with MIDL, the Interface Description Language compiler. Unfortunately, this compiler is not provided with Visual Basic, which instead supplies the old MKTYPLIB compiler for the Object Description Language (ODL). These two languages are similar, but not compatible. I use many techniques that are incompatible with ODL. You'll need to get a copy of a recent MIDL compiler from Visual C++ or MSDN to build this source. I could write several long articles about type library techniques, discovered mostly by trial and error. An article on ODL is provided elsewhere on this CD, but does not cover many of the IDL techniques used in the current library source. You'll have to discover these tricks by studying the source. I created the type library by inserting C include files, commenting them out, and then commenting in completed definitions as I wrote them. As you can imagine, this makes a messy source file. Large portions of the source are commented out--just waiting for your enhancements. The library source is provided for your information only. You may enhance it for your own use, but please don't redistribute modified source or type libraries. Instead, send your enhancements to I will integrate changes and make them available to readers. I don't want many slightly different and possibly incompatible versions floating around. The TestTlb and TestTlbU Visual Basic projects on the disk illustrate a few type library techniques related to Unicode and ANSI versions. Bruce McKinney